
The US Navy has critical problems: out of 49 nuclear submarines, 18 need repairs

About 40% of US fast attack submarines are currently awaiting maintenance and repair. In particular, out of 49 fleet units, 18 are currently under maintenance or awaiting maintenance and repair. This indicates that the US Navy has serious problems with the submarine fleet.

It is noted that this figure significantly exceeds the targets of the US Navy, which seeks to maintain no more than 20% of the submarine fleet in the process of servicing and not to allow the current situation when ships are forced to wait for service. Last year the figure was 19%, but this year the number of submarines waiting to be serviced has risen rapidly.

The number of fast attack submarines in the US Navy has also declined from a peak of 53 a decade ago to 49 today.

According to the report, the main reason is the lack of workers capable of performing the necessary work at the shipyards. In addition, supply chain issues are impacting the availability of spare parts, especially given that many submarine parts come from a single manufacturer. The US Navy currently operates three types of fast attack submarines: the Los Angeles class, the Seawolf class, and the Virginia class.

Given the aggravation of the problem, next year the US submarine fleet will have only half of its forces.


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